Tyrimai ir Paslaugos

Kardiologo Konsultacija
Konsultuojame ligonius, sergančius širdies ligomis Padidėjusio kraujo spaudimo liga (arba hipertenzija). Krūtinės angina (stenokardija). Persirgus širdies infarktu. Po širdies kraujagyslių...
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Emergency on Request
Neuron cells have long finger-like structures, called axons, that extend outward to conduct impulses and transmit information to other neurons...
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Caring Patient
Neuron cells have long finger-like structures, called axons, that extend outward to conduct impulses and transmit information to other neurons...
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Endoscopic Surgery
Neuron cells have long finger-like structures, called axons, that extend outward to conduct impulses and transmit information to other neurons...
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X-ray & RMI
Neuron cells have long finger-like structures, called axons, that extend outward to conduct impulses and transmit information to other neurons...
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Medical at Home
Neuron cells have long finger-like structures, called axons, that extend outward to conduct impulses and transmit information to other neurons...
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